One of the most widely used drugs in the world is Marijuana. Many people who use marijuana usually abuse it because they get to the point where they cannot stop using it even if it affects them negatively.
Generally, marijuana abuse does not cause death, but it is accompanied by some intense side effects. Here are some possible signs of marijuana abuse.
- Loss of interest in activities
When you abuse marijuana, you would possibly lose interest in activities that used to keep you engaged. Marijuana is so powerful that it can influence the decision-making process that can make you stop investing your time and energy in things you used to enjoy.
If you discover that you can no longer set goals like before, then marijuana abuse is in play.
- Your relationships will suffer
Marijuana abuse can make you less interested in relationships around you. You will discover that staying around your friends and family no longer interests you.
Additionally, you are likely to be at loggerheads with your loved ones because of the use disorder. Eventually, when it comes to priorities, you will choose marijuana over your family.

- Withdrawal symptoms
Another way to know when marijuana abuse is in play is when withdrawal symptoms begin to show. Some of these withdrawal symptoms are anxiety, depression, restlessness, irritability, change in physical appearance, etc.
- Inability to stop
Many people who abuse marijuana find it difficult to stop because the reward system of their brain has been rewired to crave marijuana. Therefore, when they manage to stop for a short time, they still find themselves going back to their abuse.
For some of them, when they stop, they begin to experience withdrawal symptoms that force them back to their addiction.
Anytime you notice any of these signs, ensure you take action by helping them. You can encourage them to acknowledge their addiction and eventually opt-in for rehab.